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How (and How Not) to Use Music as a Study Tool

Luis Villafane


Focusing and staying on task while studying can become difficult, especially in the weeks before the holidays. But so many are found to be listening to music while studying. Why is this? Wouldn’t you think that music would be yet another distraction? Perhaps not; recent studies have come through to help us figure it all out....


Click here to read more:



2013: A Year End Retrospective

Luis Villafane


We are rapidly approaching the final stretch of 2013. New Year’s is around the corner, which makes this the perfect time to look at some of the year’s big hits, surprise returns, impressive new artists, and more.


Click here to see what songs hit the top of the charts

and our list:


Photo by Jaclyn Saumell


Graphic Design:  Behind the Screen
Erin Murphy


When you think of college life what comes to mind immediately are daunting lecture halls, endless rifling through textbooks and highlighters. So many highlighters. 


The graphic design majors view school work differently. Rather than exams and studying, they use their own hand-made art, photography and computer design programs to pass their classes. Incoming freshman have to submit a portfolio for entrance into the pre-design program. Towards the end of sophomore year pre-design students have their portfolios reviewed by their instructors and only half are even admitted into the graphic design major.....


Click here to read more: 


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