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Buying presents for the holidays can put anyone’s bank account in the red FAST. But this season shouldn't be about doling out loads of cash to show friends and family that you care. It should be about spending quality time with one another and making memories. That's why we compiled a list of thoughtful and unique gifts for every person in your life, that wont break the bank. Each gift is under $50, and some are even under $25. Now that's holiday spirit!

Dads are simple. We all have probably gotten our dad a tie or a wrench every year since we were five. But if you want to get him something he will really love this holiday season, why not go for this quirky gift?


“Last year I got my Dad a bottle of wine and a pair of socks. I put the wine inside the socks and tied it at the top. It looked really cute and he loved both items,” says Meghan Drambel, a student.


Talk about killing two birds with one stone!

When it comes to Mom, we should all try to indulge the lady in our life. She definitely deserves it.


“I never want to splurge on myself when it comes to beauty products, so it’s always nice when I get a really great lipstick or eye shadow as a gift,” says Kathy Drambel, a homemaker and mother of three.


This is perfect because even a luxury lipstick or eye shadow only costs around $20 to $30. Case in point, Kathy says her all-time favorite lipstick is Marc Jacobs’ Lovemarc Lip Gel – totaling exactly $30. This is the perfect gift because Mom will use it all the time and it will last her for years.


Brothers can be hard to buy for. “Whenever I ask my own brother what he wants for Christmas every year I get the same ‘I don't know answer’”, says Meghan Drambel.


But something we’re sure many guys would love to receive as a gift are luxury skin care products, because they probably won’t buy that on their own. “The quality of my shaving cream makes a huge difference on the overall quality of my skin,” says Bill Drambel, a medical salesman and father of three.


When asked what he would buy his son this season he said last year he bought him The Art of Shaving, Shaving Cream and he absolutely loved it. “I’ll probably get him that again this year,” says Bill Drambel. This luxury shave brand offers shaving creams for as low as $16, but if you've got the cash why not splurge for the larger size that costs $25. It’ll last them a few months longer.


“I would love to get a new iPhone case for Christmas. My phone is the one accessory I constantly wear so I love mixing up it’s look,” says Nitsa Skenderis, a student.


This is a gift that is absolutely perfect for any girl in your life, not only because she will use this on an everyday basis, but it is also in the perfect price range.


The price for iPhone cases can range from super high to dirt cheap. Try going for a trendy and upscale brand like Kate Spade, where the cases run at about $35. The cases are to die for and she will know it didn't come cheap.

For Brother/Friend
For Sister/Friend

Holiday Gift Guide: Presents For The Whole Family

Geena Goozdich

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